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)set message type off
)set output algebra off
)set message type on
p1 := x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 9;
p2 := (x-1)^2 + (y -2)^2 - z;
p3 := y - 1;
lp := [p1, p2, p3]
The form of the solution depends on the order of the variables.
A Gröbner basis computation is done with respect to a lexicographical order of all variables that appear in the expression.
gb := groebner(lp)
[factor p for p in gb]
Depending on the type of the polynomials the Groebner package is able to compute with respect to a lexicographical termorder as specified by the exponent domain EL.
vl := [x,y,z];
EL := DirectProduct(#vl, NonNegativeInteger);
PL := GeneralDistributedMultivariatePolynomial(vl, Integer, EL);
GL := GroebnerPackage(Integer, EL, PL);
lpl: List(PL) := [x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 9, (x-1)^2 + (y -2)^2 - z, y-1];
A Gröbner basis computation with respect to a degree reverse lexicographical order just mean to provide an exponent domain that implements the right term order.
ET := HomogeneousDirectProduct(#vl, NonNegativeInteger);
PT := GeneralDistributedMultivariatePolynomial(vl, Integer, ET);
GT := GroebnerPackage(Integer, ET, PT);
lpt: List(PT) := [x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 9, (x-1)^2 + (y -2)^2 - z, y-1];
FriCAS also implements a Gröbner factorizer. That is an algorithm which factorizes polynomials during a Gröbner basis computation.
Q := Fraction Integer;
MP := GeneralDistributedMultivariatePolynomial(vl, Q, ET);
V := OrderedVariableList vl;
PId := PolynomialIdeal(Q, ET, V, MP);
mi: List(MP) := [x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 9, (x-1)^2 + (y -2)^2 - z]
I := mi :: PId
dimension I
mj: List(MP) := [y^2-1, x*y -z]
J := mj :: PId
dimension J
The sum of two ideals $I$ and $J$ is the smallest ideal of the ring, that contains $I$ and $J$.
K := I+J
dimension K
The product of two polynomial ideals can be computed as well.
K := I * J
L := intersect(I, J)
(K = L)@Boolean
The leading ideal of a polynomial ideal $K$ is the ideal that is generated by all leading terms of elements of $K$.
leadingIdeal K
leadingIdeal L
The ideal saturate(J, f)
contains every polynomial $p$ of the
underlying polynomial ring MP
for which there exists a natural
number $n$ such that $(f^n)\cdot p \in J$.
f: MP := y-1
Of course, if we saturate a polynomial ideal $J$ by an element of $J$, we get the whole ring.
saturate(J, mj.1)
m := matrix [[1,2],[-1,3]]
v: Vector(Integer) := vector [8, 7]
diophantineSystem(m, v)
We first must tell FriCAS that y
should be considered as
an unknown function.
y := operator 'y
deq := D(y(x), x, 2) + y(x)
There are, in fact, infinitely many solutions to this equation, so FriCAS returns a particular solution together with basis for the corresponding homogeneous equation.
solve(deq, y, x)
Giving initial conditions allows to select a certain solution. For example, we want a solution $y(x)$ so that $y(0)=1$ and $y'(0)=2$.
solve(deq, y, x=0, [1,2])
The coefficients of the differential equation can also be rational functions.
To make checking later easier, we define a function $d$.
d(f) == x/2*D(f,x,2) - D(f,x) + (x^2+1)/x * f = x^2
deq := d(y(x))
sol := solve(deq, y, x)
Let's check the result.
Since the result is of type Union
, we first have to get rid
of it so that the definition of the generic solution
$g(a,b)$ type checks.
E := Expression(Integer);
s := sol :: Record(particular: E, basis: List(E));
g(a,b) == s.particular + a*s.basis.1 + b*s.basis.2
d g(a,b)
The above function $d$ looks like a differential operator, but its type tells something else.
Working with true differential operators is possible.
Q := Fraction Integer
P := UnivariatePolynomial('x, Q)
The polynomial ring $P$ has a derivation D: % -> %
L := LinearOrdinaryDifferentialOperator(P, D)
Dx: L := D()
Of course, this is a ring, but a non-commutative one.
L has Ring
The multiplication sign is again overloaded.
It's meaning depends on its operands.
Internally, linear diffferential operators are stored in a
canonical form with coefficients appearing on the left of
the D
Of course, applying an operator is not the same as multiplying two operators. Look at the result type.
It should be clear that one can construct linear differential operators not only over a polynomial ring, but also over rational functions. Even operators with matrix coefficient or power series coefficients work.