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)set message type off
)set output algebra off
)set message type on
Let's first consider a differential operator algebra $A$ over the integers $\mathbb{Z}$. $A$ can be represented as a polynomial ring in the variable $X$ over the polynomial ring $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ where the variable $X$ commutes with the coefficients by the rule $X x = x X + 1$.
Z ==> Integer
Zx ==> UnivariatePolynomial('x, Z)
In FriCAS, such a skew polynomial algebra is not given by the above rule, but rather by a general commutation rule. $X p = \sigma(p) X + \delta(p)$, $p\in\mathbb{Z}[x]$.
For a differential algebra $\sigma$ is the identity map and $\delta$ is the derivation of $\mathbb{Z}[x]$ given by $\delta(x)=1$.
sigma1: Automorphism Zx := 1
delta1: Zx -> Zx := D $ Zx
The notation D $ Zz
specifies that FriCAS should take the
function $D$ from the domain Zx
A ==> UnivariateSkewPolynomial('X, Zx, sigma1, delta1)
In order to work in $A$, we name the indeterminates.
x: A := 'x
X: A := 'X
Similarly, we can define a shift algebra $B$ with the respective variables $s$ and $S$, such that $S s = (s+1) S$.
Note that we introduce that shift algebra with coefficients coming from the above operator algebra $A$.
As ==> UnivariatePolynomial('s, A)
ss: As := 's
sigma2: Automorphism As :=
morphism((p: As): As +->eval(p, ss = ss+1),
(p: As): As +->eval(p, ss = ss-1))
delta2: As -> As := (p: As): As +-> 0
B ==> UnivariateSkewPolynomial('S, As, sigma2, delta2)
s: B := 's
S: B := 'S
Of course, $S$ and $s$ commute with $X$ and $x$.
[S*X, S*x, s*X, s*x]
In this skew polynomial algebra, the multiplication sign uses the appropriate commutation rule.
The multivariate case is only sligthly more complicated.
Our goal is to create the skew polynomial ring $\mathbb{Q}(q)(y,w,u)[D_y,D_w,D_u]$ where
Let us here use a field of rational functions in $q$ as coefficient domain.
)clear prop u y w
Z ==> Integer
Qq ==> Fraction UnivariatePolynomial('q, Z)
Now we define two sets of variables. The upper case letter will correspond to the "operator" variable, but in fact, we will not have any "operator algebra" here, since there is no action on any set involved.
V ==> OrderedVariableList ['y, 'w, 'u]
The lower case letters will be put into the "coefficient domain".
M ==> SparseMultivariatePolynomial(Qq, V)
K := Fraction M
We need the respective "sigma" and "delta" functions that define the commutation rules of the skew polynomial ring.
First for the variable $y$.
sigmay: Automorphism K := 1;
yv: V:= 'y;
derivy(m: M): M == D(m, yv)
deltay(k: K): K == D(k, derivy)
Then for $w$. Note that we will reuse the delta function also for the variable $u$.
wm: M := 'w;
sigmaw1(k: K): K == eval(k, wm, wm+1)
sigmaw2(k: K): K == eval(k, wm, wm-1)
sigmaw: Automorphism K := morphism(sigmaw1, sigmaw2);
deltawu(k: K): K == 0
And finally for $u$.
um: M := 'u; qQ: Qq := 'q::Qq; qQ1 := inv qQ;
sigmau1(k: K): K == eval(k, um, qQ*um)$K
sigmau2(k: K): K == eval(k, um, qQ1*um)$K
sigmau: Automorphism K := morphism(sigmau1, sigmau2)$Automorphism(K);
With the auxiliary functions above, we can define the sigma and delta function that we actually need for the definition of the domain. The code below, basically selects one of the functions above depending on which variables are involved.
YV: V := index(1)$V; WV: V := index(2)$V;
sigma(v: V): Automorphism K ==
if v=YV then sigmay else if v=WV then sigmaw else sigmau
delta(v: V): K -> K == if v=YV then deltay else deltawu
We put everything together.
T ==> SparseMultivariateSkewPolynomial(K, V, sigma, delta)
y: T := 'y::K::T;
w: T := 'w::K::T; u: T := 'u::K::T; q: T := qQ::K::T;
Y: T := monomial(1, index(1)$V, 1)
W: T := monomial(1, index(2)$V, 1)
U: T := monomial(1, index(3)$V, 1)
t: T := y*w*u*q
VT ==> Vector T
[Y, W, U]
lt: List T := [Y, W, U]
vt: VT := vector lt
dot(vt, vt)
dot(vt, vt*y*w*u)
MT ==> SquareMatrix(3, T)
mt: MT := 1
mt: MT := diagonalMatrix lt
mt2: MT := matrix [[0,y,w],[0,0,u],[0,0,0]]
m := mt+mt2
DT ==> DirectProduct(3, T)
dt: DT := [u*W+1, w*y, w^2*W*u]
MT has Ring
MT has CommutativeRing
P ==> UnivariatePolynomial('x, MT)
p: P := mt2*x^2+mt*x+m
P has CommutativeRing