
forttyp.spad line 147 [edit on github]

Creates and manipulates objects which correspond to FORTRAN data types, including array dimensions.

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

coerce: % -> OutputForm

coerce(x) provides a printable form for x

coerce: FortranScalarType -> %

coerce(t) creates an element from a scalar type

construct: (Union(fst: FortranScalarType, void: void), List Polynomial Integer, Boolean) -> %

construct(type, dims) creates an element of FortranType

construct: (Union(fst: FortranScalarType, void: void), List Symbol, Boolean) -> %

construct(type, dims) creates an element of FortranType

dimensionsOf: % -> List Polynomial Integer

dimensionsOf(t) returns the dimensions of t

external?: % -> Boolean

external?(u) returns true if u is declared to be EXTERNAL

fortranCharacter: () -> %

fortranCharacter() returns CHARACTER, an element of FortranType

fortranComplex: () -> %

fortranComplex() returns COMPLEX, an element of FortranType

fortranDouble: () -> %

fortranDouble() returns DOUBLE PRECISION, an element of FortranType

fortranDoubleComplex: () -> %

fortranDoubleComplex() returns DOUBLE COMPLEX, an element of FortranType

fortranInteger: () -> %

fortranInteger() returns INTEGER, an element of FortranType

fortranLogical: () -> %

fortranLogical() returns LOGICAL, an element of FortranType

fortranReal: () -> %

fortranReal() returns REAL, an element of FortranType

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

scalarTypeOf: % -> Union(fst: FortranScalarType, void: void)

scalarTypeOf(t) returns the FORTRAN data type of t


CoercibleTo OutputForm
