
fortran.spad line 1338 [edit on github]

Code to manipulate Fortran templates

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

close!: % -> %

from FileCategory(FileName, String)

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

flush: % -> Void

from FileCategory(FileName, String)

fortranCarriageReturn: () -> Void

fortranCarriageReturn() produces a carriage return on the current Fortran output stream

fortranLiteral: String -> Void

fortranLiteral(s) writes s to the current Fortran output stream

fortranLiteralLine: String -> Void

fortranLiteralLine(s) writes s to the current Fortran output stream, followed by a carriage return

iomode: % -> String

from FileCategory(FileName, String)

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

name: % -> FileName

from FileCategory(FileName, String)

open: (FileName, String) -> %

from FileCategory(FileName, String)

open: FileName -> %

from FileCategory(FileName, String)

processTemplate: (FileName, FileName) -> FileName

processTemplate(tp, fn) processes the template tp, writing the result out to fn.

processTemplate: FileName -> FileName

processTemplate(tp) processes the template tp, writing the result to the current FORTRAN output stream.

read!: % -> String

from FileCategory(FileName, String)

reopen!: (%, String) -> %

from FileCategory(FileName, String)

write!: (%, String) -> String

from FileCategory(FileName, String)


CoercibleTo OutputForm

FileCategory(FileName, String)
