RewriteRule(Base, R, F)

rule.spad line 1 [edit on github]

Rules for the pattern matcher Author: Manuel Bronstein Date Created: 24 Oct 1988 Keywords: pattern, matching, rule.

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

coerce: Equation F -> %

from CoercibleFrom Equation F

elt: (%, F) -> F

from Eltable(F, F)

elt: (%, F, PositiveInteger) -> F

elt(r, f, n) or r(f, n) applies the rule r to f at most n times.

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

lhs: % -> F

lhs(r) returns the left hand side of the rule r.

pattern: % -> Pattern Base

pattern(r) returns the pattern corresponding to the left hand side of the rule r.

quotedOperators: % -> List Symbol

quotedOperators(r) returns the list of operators on the right hand side of r that are considered quoted, that is they are not evaluated during any rewrite, but just applied formally to their arguments.

retract: % -> Equation F

from RetractableTo Equation F

retractIfCan: % -> Union(Equation F, failed)

from RetractableTo Equation F

rhs: % -> F

rhs(r) returns the right hand side of the rule r.

rule: (F, F) -> %

rule(f, g) creates the rewrite rule: f == eval(g, g is f), with left-hand side f and right-hand side g.

rule: (F, F, List Symbol) -> %

rule(f, g, [f1, ..., fn]) creates the rewrite rule f == eval(eval(g, g is f), [f1, ..., fn]), that is a rule with left-hand side f and right-hand side g; The symbols f1, …, fn are the operators that are considered quoted, that is they are not evaluated during any rewrite, but just applied formally to their arguments.

suchThat: (%, List Symbol, List F -> Boolean) -> %

suchThat(r, [a1, ..., an], f) returns the rewrite rule r with the predicate f(a1, ..., an) attached to it.


CoercibleFrom Equation F

CoercibleTo OutputForm

Eltable(F, F)

RetractableTo Equation F
