
mantepse.spad line 229 [edit on github]

GuessOptionFunctions0 provides operations that extract the values of options for Guess.

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

allDegrees: List GuessOption -> Boolean

allDegrees returns whether all possibilities of the degree vector should be tried, the default being false.

check: List GuessOption -> Union(skip, MonteCarlo, deterministic)

check(d) specifies how we want to check the solution. If the value is “skip”, we return the solutions found by the interpolation routine without checking. If the value is “MonteCarlo”, we use a probabilistic check. The default is “deterministic”.

checkExtraValues: List GuessOption -> Boolean

checkExtraValues(d) specifies whether we want to check the solution beyond the order given by the degree bounds. The default is true.

checkOptions: List GuessOption -> Void

checkOptions checks whether the given options are consistent, and yields an error otherwise

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

debug: List GuessOption -> Boolean

debug returns whether we want additional output on the progress, default being false

displayKind: List GuessOption -> Symbol

displayKind(d) specifies kind of the result: generating function, recurrence or equation. This option should not be set by the user, but rather by the HP-specification.

functionName: List GuessOption -> Symbol

functionName returns the name of the function given by the algebraic differential equation, default being f

functionNames: List GuessOption -> List Symbol

functionNames returns the names for the function in the algebraic dependence, default being %f1, %f2, …

homogeneous: List GuessOption -> Union(PositiveInteger, Boolean)

homogeneous returns whether we allow only homogeneous algebraic differential equations, default being false

indexName: List GuessOption -> Symbol

indexName returns the name of the index variable used for the formulas, default being n

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

maxDegree: List GuessOption -> Union(NonNegativeInteger, arbitrary)

maxDegree returns the specified maxDegree.

maxDerivative: List GuessOption -> Union(NonNegativeInteger, arbitrary)

maxDerivative returns the specified maxDerivative.

maxLevel: List GuessOption -> Union(NonNegativeInteger, arbitrary)

maxLevel returns the specified maxLevel.

maxMixedDegree: List GuessOption -> NonNegativeInteger

maxMixedDegree returns the specified maxMixedDegree.

maxPower: List GuessOption -> Union(PositiveInteger, arbitrary)

maxPower returns the specified maxPower.

maxShift: List GuessOption -> Union(NonNegativeInteger, arbitrary)

maxShift returns the specified maxShift.

maxSubst: List GuessOption -> Union(PositiveInteger, arbitrary)

maxSubst returns the specified maxSubst.

one: List GuessOption -> Boolean

one returns whether we need only one solution, default being true.

safety: List GuessOption -> NonNegativeInteger

safety returns the specified safety or 1 as default.

Somos: List GuessOption -> Union(PositiveInteger, Boolean)

Somos returns whether we allow only Somos-like operators, default being false

variableName: List GuessOption -> Symbol

variableName returns the name of the variable used in by the algebraic differential equation, default being x


CoercibleTo OutputForm
