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)set message type off
)set output algebra off
)set message type on
There is a builtin constructor for univariate (not multivariate) Laurent polynomials. See also the fricas-devel mailing list for a discussion of its problems.
Below we construct univariate Laurent polynomials (in x) over $\mathbb{Q}$.
Z ==> Integer
Q ==> Fraction Z
P ==> UnivariatePolynomial('x, Q)
R ==> Fraction P
L ==> LaurentPolynomial(Q, P)
px := x :: P
lx := x :: L
Unfortunately, since exponentiation with a negative power is not implemented (in general the result is not a Laurent polynomial), we cannot simply enter a Laurent polynomial like this.
l := lx^(-3)+5*lx^(-1)+7+lx^2
There is, however, an operation that can create a negative power of the variable. In fact, there are two.
ix := divide(1,lx).quotient
ix := monomial(1, -1)$L
We can enter the above polynomial like this.
m(x,y) ==> monomial(x, y)$L
l := m(1,-3) + m(5,-1) + 7 + m(1,2)
On can also create Laurent polynomials by the following function.
The above $l$ might then be written as follows.
l := (separate((1+5*px^2+7*px^3+px^5)/px^3)$L).polyPart
We also want to truncate a Laurent series at a certain point and optain a Laurent polynomial.
S ==> UnivariateLaurentSeries(Q, 'x, 0)
sx := x :: S
s := (sx^3-7*sx)/(3*sx^7-sx^4)
rf := rationalFunction(s, 3)
leads to a more general type than we want.
Therefore, we simply try to coerce/retract it into the domain
we want, i.e., a quotient field of univariate polynomials.
pf := rf :: R
Putting the above into a macro, we can make truncation a little simpler.
TRUNC(s, n) ==> (separate(rationalFunction(s, n)::R)$L).polyPart
TRUNC(s, 3)
For (internal) computation, one can also be more direct and create a monoid ring with the monoid being the integers and the coefficients being the rational numbers. Clearly, also this is a representation of a Laurent polynomial ring.
QZ ==> PolynomialRing(Q, Z)
Unfortunately, entering an element of this domain is a bit tricky and also the output does not look as one would expect from a Laurent polynomial.
Our example polynomial from above would look like this.
qx := monomial(1, 1)$QZ
iqx := monomial(1, -1)$QZ
l := iqx^3 + 5*iqx + 7 + qx^2
That is certainly hard to interpret, but one can easily add a new domain that behaves like integers, but prints in a multiplicative form.
In the following we escape to the shell to create a file
with the contents shown below.
This will only work in a jFriCAS (i.e., the Jupyter notebook
frontend for FriCAS).
If you are working with another frontend, then simply create
a file /tmp/xint.spad
with the contents given between the
lines "cat <<'EOF' > /tmp/xint.spad" and "EOF".
cat <<'EOF' > /tmp/xint.spad
)abbrev domain XINT XInteger
XInteger(sy: Symbol): IntegerNumberSystem == Integer add
coerce(x: %): OutputForm ==
o := sy :: OutputForm
one? x => o
i: Integer := x pretend Integer
x >= 0 => o^(i::OutputForm)
Now we compile that file. Since FriCAS resets certain variables during compilation, we must reset the output format to MathJax.
)compile /tmp/xint.spad
Using XInteger
instead of Integer
, the output looks more pleasing.
QZ ==> PolynomialRing(Q, XInteger("x"::Symbol))
qx := monomial(1, 1)$QZ
iqx := monomial(1, -1)$QZ
l := iqx^3 + 5*iqx + 7 + qx^2
Truncation of the above Laurent series at degree 3 goes as follows.
tr(s: S, n: Z): QZ ==
qz: QZ := 0
while (e := order(s, n+1)) <= n repeat
qz := qz + monomial(leadingCoefficient s, e)$QZ
s := reductum s
Or construct the Laurent polynomial like this.
Note that we must use the complete
function to expand
the (finite) stream such that it is recognized as finite
by the entries
mons := [monomial(r.c,r.k)$QZ for r in terms s while r.k < 4];
reduce(+, entries complete mons)