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)set message type off
)set output algebra off
)set message type on
An important data structure is a stream. A stream can be seen as an infinite list. But it is a lazy data structure. Only finitely many elements are ever computed. And the stream knows how to compute more elements.
The simplest way to create a stream is by a comprehension scheme with an open segment.
[i^2 for i in 10..]
Stream comprehension also works with such-that clauses.
s:=[i for i in 1.. | even? i]
[x for x in s | x::PrimeField(3) = 0]
FriCAS lets you also create infinite structures of infinite structures.
t :=[[i/j for j in 1..] for i in 1..]
Accessing respective values is as usual with the dot notation.
Primes can be created by selecting numbers that fulfill the
primes := [i for i in 2.. | prime? i]
twinPrimes := [[p,p+2] for p in primes | prime?(p+2)]
Stream is the underlying data structure for power series.
In fact there are three different domains:
The most general series, Puiseux series, allows fractional powers.
series(sqrt sin(x), x=0)
Laurent series are series that can have a finite number of negative powers.
l:=laurent(1/(x*log(x)), x=1)
taylor(cos(x), x=0)
x := series 'x;
sin x
We can check whether certain expansions agree. Of course, the vanishing of this series is only computed up to a certain order.
z := 2*sin(x)*cos(x) - sin(2*x)
You can change how many elements of the stream you want to have computed. The default is 10.
)set stream calc 20
sin x