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)set message type off
)set output algebra off
)set message type on
FriCAS is a typed computer algebra system.
In this notebook we evaluate certain expressions. Each expression is evaluated and yields a value that belongs to a certain type. This type is shown at the right hand side after the value.
Note that this type is a hyperlink that leads to its description.
By convention, types in FriCAS begin with a capital letter. Functions and variables are usually start with a small letter.
Type an expression into a cell and press SHIFT-ENTER.
Everything in FriCAS has a type.
The FriCAS interpreter guesses the most appropriate type. For simple things types do not matter much.
Apart from the above integer domains, there are rational numbers and floating point numbers, complex integers, complex floats, etc.
2/3 + 1/5 * (- 2/11)
FriCAS can compute with arbitrarily big numerical values. Only memory and time set the limits.
By default 20 digits are used for floating point computation.
2/3 + 1.0
By using the digits
function, one can query and set the number
of digits that are used during the computation.
By default, a fraction is expressed in the most appropriate domain,
which would be Fraction(Integer)
Coercion into the appropriate type is done via the ::
digits 40
22/7 :: Float
22/7 :: Float
A number that contains a dot, is automatically a member of the
floating point domain.
So the following fraction is computed within the respective domain,
namely, Float
For integer arguments, it is not clear what the user actually wants.
So the expression remains unevaluated.
Note that we get AlgebraicNumber
as yet another number type.
In fact, AlgebraicNumber
is a step into the direction of computing
with symbols rather than just numbers.
FriCAS can also deal with complex numbers.
The symbol %i
denotes the imaginary unit.
Here we have Gaussian integers.
As with integers, the resulting type is appropriately chosen, i.e. "complex rational numbers".
(2 + 3*%i) / (3 + 5*%i)
As with real numbers where Float
is the corresponding domain in FriCAS,
complex numbers can only be modelled approximately on a computer.
sqrt(2.0) * (1 + 2.0*%i)
Not everything can be done with floating point numbers.
FriCAS does not automatically extend the number domain from real numbers
to complex numbers.
It rather considers Float
as a domain with partial operations,
i.e. operations that might fail on certain input.
But we can convert an algebraic number into a complex floating point number.
sqrt(-5) :: Complex(Float)
There are a lot of functions that can be used with floating point numbers.
Note that in the following list %
is an abbreviation of
"this domain", i.e. Float
in our case.
The question mark is just used as a placeholder for an argument.
)show Float
FriCAS can be used as a numerical engine.
Entering variables is as easy as in most other CAS.
Note that the resulting domain of the factor
is not Polynomial(Integer)
The domain Factored(X)
keeps its elements in a factored
form as long as possible.
Since in a rational function field any element is a unit,
the concept of factorization does not do anything.
But there is a function factorFraction
that factors the
numerator and denominator separately.
r := (x^2+2*x+1)/(x^2-9)
factor r
factorFraction r
FriCAS knows about the standard mathematical functions and can do computations with them.
Some mathematical constants and their properties are built-in.
%e^(%pi * %i)
Eagerness of evaluation of an expression depends on its type. In fact, each type defines a certain normal form and the expression is simply stored in this form.
(x^100 + 1)*(x^100-1)
The domain Expression(Integer)
is similar to the way
expressions are stored in other computer algebra systems.
If FriCAS does not find a more appropriate interpretation
for an expresssion, the expression often ends up in being
of type Expression(Integer)
e := sin(x)^2 + cos(x)^2
Some expressions are not automatically simplified.
In some cases, it is simply not clear what a "simpler expression" actually means.
In addition to accessing previoiusly computed values via the %%(n)
mechanism, intermediate results can also be stored in variables.
a := 1/3 + 22/7
Assignment is done via :=
. A simple =
sign just creates an equation.
eq := A = 1/3 + 22/7
FriCAS is case-sensitive.
A = lhs(eq)
In order to see whether an equation is true or false, we must turn it into a boolean.
The type of a variable can be declared in advance. Its type is then fixed for the whole session.
v: PositiveInteger
If a variable has been declared, it is no longer automatically converted to an indeterminate that can be used in an expression.
One would have to prepend an apostroph to refer to a symbol of that name.
5 * 'v
Only values that belong to the respective type can be assigned to the variable.
v := -1
v := 1
Functions, are first class objects, they can be assigned to variables and can be used as arguments of functions.
The operator +->
is used to created anonymous functions,
i.e. lambda expressions.
f := x +-> sin(x)*exp(x)
Simply using an expression in a functional way makes no sense.
g := sin(x)*exp(x)
eval(g, x=%pi/2)
Declaring the type of a function explicitly, restricts the way the function can be used.
f1: Integer -> Integer
f1 := x +-> gcd(x,x+6)
Since the functions has been declared for integer arguments, it cannot be used with floating point arguments.
Functions can also be defined via the "delayed assignment" using ==
f2(x: Integer): String == reverse(string(x))
Functions will automatically be compiled to machine code, the first time they are used.
The function cannot be applied to strings, because that would require the string to be converted into an integer.
Multivariate function definitions are no problem.
f3(x,y,z) == (x+2*y)*z
Note that by not specifying the types in the definition
of f3
above, FriCAS will use the definition as a pattern
to define functions with appropriate types when the function
is first called. These functions have the same name, but
due to different input/output type are, in fact, different.
Not so different here, because the follow the same pattern.
However, in the programming language SPAD that comes with FriCAS,
it is, allowed and common to have functions with the same
name/identifier that have different input/output types.
That is known as function overloading.