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)set message type off
)set output algebra off
)set message type on
A record is a data structure with a fixed number of named entries.
r: Record(name: String, age: Integer) := ["Albert", 42]
Getting and setting entries is done by using a dot notation.
r.age := 75
is a data structure that can hold any value of the given types,
but no value of any other type.
In mathematical terms, it corresponds to the disjoint union.
u: Union(str: String, int: Integer, flo: Float) := 4::Integer
u := "some text"
(u case int, u case str)
Tuples are immutable, i.e., you cannot change an entry. All entries must be of the same type.
t := (3, -1, 17)
s := ("Das", "ist", "ein", "Haus")
Tuples can be used in parallel assignments.
(x,y,z) := (-1,0,1);
FriCAS comes with a lot of data structures. There are lists, arrays, hash tables, trees, streams, etc.
The type List(T)
denotes linked lists whose elements all
belong to type T
li := [2,4,5,-6]
ls := ["I", "am", "a", "list", "of", "strings"]
All elements of a list must belong to the same type. This is advantageous, since the type of the list asserts something about its members.
concat ls
The following operation fails immediately without ever touching one single element of the list. Now imagine what happens in a typeless system for a list with 1000 elements that are all strings except the last one.
concat li
FriCAS does not allow to insert an element of the wrong type into the list.
concat("foo", li)
concat(3, li)
One can access a particular element of the list with the dot notation.
The length of a list can be computed by the #
Lists can be constructed by list comprehension.
[3*x for x in 1..10]
The vertical bar denotes a "such-that" clause, i.e. an element only belongs to the list, if the boolean expression in the such-that clause is satisfied.
[3*x+1 for x in 1..20 | odd? x]
List can contain more complicated structures. Note the parallel iteration scheme in the following expression.
[concat(x ,concat(y, li)) for x in 1..3 for y in -1..-100 by -2]
Arrays allow for constant time access since its elements are stored in a contiguous block of memory.
a := oneDimensionalArray [2,3,9,-1,-3,2,7]
removeDuplicates a
Hash tables allow a (nearly) constant time access.
They can be thought of as a partial function from the
key space to the value space.
relies on the underlying Lisp hashing facilities
and, therefore, uses AssociationList
with linear access time
if the Key type is not recognized to be hashable via Lisp.
upper := table() $ Table(String, String)
upper."a" := "A"
for i in 1..3 repeat upper("bcd".i) := "BCD".i
is an efficient implementation of a hash table
structure with (almost) linear element access time due to the
use of a hash function and direct array access.
In contrast to Table
, XHashTable
works for all key types
that export a hash
Now we can repeat the commands from above with Table
replaced by XHashTable
upper := table() $ XHashTable(String, String) ;
upper."a" := "A"
for i in 1..3 repeat upper("bcd".i) := "BCD".i
Segmented lists provide a way to enter data efficiently.
sl := [2..5,3,-1,-2..5, 10..20]
expand sl
Segments can also be stored in a variable and remembered for later.
With the by
keyword one can specify a stepsize.
Of course, the stepsize can be negative.
sg := 4 .. 20 by 3
[x^2 for x in sg | even? x]
Segments need not have an upper bound.
sp := 0..
Infinite data structures can be handled. A stream is like an infinite list. Elements are computed on demand.
even := [2*n for n in sp]
odd := [2*n+1 for n in 0..]
The for
construction can be combined with a second one
in order to run over two structures in parallel.
first9even := [n for n in even for k in 1..9]
In case the stream is finite, it can be converted into a list.
entries first9even
The domain Heap is a special data structure that allows to insert elements in $O(\log n)$ time and extracts the maximum from the heap also in $O(\log n)$. Heaps are most appropriate for algorithms that need a priority queue.
h := heap ["a", "c", "d", "b","f", "h", "z","b"]
[extract! h for n in 1..3]
members h
Because of the algorithms used to implement a heap, it makes no sense to provide a mechanism to extract the $n$-th element directly.
It is also impossible to create a heap over a domain that does not provide an ordering operation.
PrimeField 7 has OrderedSet
Heap(PrimeField 7)
A multiset stores elements together with its occurences. It is like an unordered list with duplicates allowed.
li := [1,2,4,5,6,2,5,1,4,2,5]
multiset li
A set is an unordered list with duplicates removed.
s := set li
One can ask for the size of the set.
Apply the usual set operations like union, intersection, set difference, etc.
union(s, set [3,4,5])
intersect(s, set [3,4,5])
Since a set is unordered, there is no concept of a $n$-th element.
A stack implements a LIFO queue (last-in, first-out). It is like a list, but not all list operations are available. For example, one cannot remove an element which is not the top-most element.
s := stack [2,4,-2,3,6]
top s
pop! s
There are many more data structures. Among them are trees and queues.
)what domain Tree
)what domain Queue
)what domain Stream