StreamTranscendentalFunctionsNonCommutative CoefΒΆ

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StreamTranscendentalFunctionsNonCommutative implements transcendental functions on Taylor series over a non-commutative ring, where a Taylor series is represented by a stream of its coefficients.

^: (Stream Coef, Stream Coef) -> Stream Coef

st1 ^ st2 computes the power of a power series st1 by another power series st2.

acos: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

acos(st) computes arccosine of a power series st.

acosh: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

acosh(st) computes the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a power series st.

acot: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

acot(st) computes arccotangent of a power series st.

acoth: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

acoth(st) computes the inverse hyperbolic cotangent of a power series st.

acsc: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

acsc(st) computes arccosecant of a power series st.

acsch: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

acsch(st) computes the inverse hyperbolic cosecant of a power series st.

asec: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

asec(st) computes arcsecant of a power series st.

asech: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

asech(st) computes the inverse hyperbolic secant of a power series st.

asin: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

asin(st) computes arcsine of a power series st.

asinh: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

asinh(st) computes the inverse hyperbolic sine of a power series st.

atan: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

atan(st) computes arctangent of a power series st.

atanh: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

atanh(st) computes the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a power series st.

cos: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

cos(st) computes cosine of a power series st.

cosh: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

cosh(st) computes the hyperbolic cosine of a power series st.

cot: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

cot(st) computes cotangent of a power series st.

coth: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

coth(st) computes the hyperbolic cotangent of a power series st.

csc: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

csc(st) computes cosecant of a power series st.

csch: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

csch(st) computes the hyperbolic cosecant of a power series st.

exp: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

exp(st) computes the exponential of a power series st.

log: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

log(st) computes the log of a power series.

sec: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

sec(st) computes secant of a power series st.

sech: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

sech(st) computes the hyperbolic secant of a power series st.

sin: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

sin(st) computes sine of a power series st.

sinh: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

sinh(st) computes the hyperbolic sine of a power series st.

tan: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

tan(st) computes tangent of a power series st.

tanh: Stream Coef -> Stream Coef

tanh(st) computes the hyperbolic tangent of a power series st.