SplittingTree(V, C)

newdata.spad line 295 [edit on github]

This domain exports a modest implementation of splitting trees. Splitting trees are needed when the evaluation of some quantity under some hypothesis requires to split the hypothesis into sub-cases. For instance by adding some new hypothesis on one hand and its negation on another hand. The computations are terminated for a splitting tree a when status(value(a)) is true. Thus, if for the splitting tree a the flag status(value(a)) is true, then status(value(d)) is true for any subtree d of a. This property of splitting trees is called the termination condition. If no vertex in a splitting tree a is equal to another, a is said to satisfy the no-duplicates condition. The splitting tree a will satisfy this condition if nodes are added to a by means of splitNodeOf! and if construct is only used to create the root of a with no children.

#: % -> NonNegativeInteger

from Aggregate

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

any?: (SplittingNode(V, C) -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean

from HomogeneousAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

child?: (%, %) -> Boolean

from RecursiveAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

children: % -> List %

from RecursiveAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

conditions: % -> List C

conditions(a) returns the list of the conditions of the leaves of a

construct: (V, C, List %) -> %

construct(v, t, la) creates a splitting tree with value (i.e. root vertex) given by [v, t]\$S and with la as children list.

construct: (V, C, List SplittingNode(V, C)) -> %

construct(v, t, ls) creates a splitting tree with value (i.e. root vertex) given by [v, t]\$S and with children list given by [[s]\$\% for s in ls].

construct: (V, C, V, List C) -> %

construct(v1, t, v2, lt) creates a splitting tree with value (i.e. root vertex) given by [v, t]\$S and with children list given by [[[v, t]\$S]\$\% for s in ls].

construct: SplittingNode(V, C) -> %

construct(s) creates a splitting tree with value (i.e. root vertex) given by s and no children. Thus, if the status of s is false, [s] represents the starting point of the evaluation value(s) under the hypothesis condition(s).

copy: % -> %

from Aggregate

count: (SplittingNode(V, C) -> Boolean, %) -> NonNegativeInteger

from HomogeneousAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

count: (SplittingNode(V, C), %) -> NonNegativeInteger

from HomogeneousAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

cyclic?: % -> Boolean

from RecursiveAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

distance: (%, %) -> Integer

from RecursiveAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

elt: (%, value) -> SplittingNode(V, C)

from RecursiveAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

empty?: % -> Boolean

from Aggregate

empty: () -> %

from Aggregate

eq?: (%, %) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

eval: (%, Equation SplittingNode(V, C)) -> % if SplittingNode(V, C) has Evalable SplittingNode(V, C)

from Evalable SplittingNode(V, C)

eval: (%, List Equation SplittingNode(V, C)) -> % if SplittingNode(V, C) has Evalable SplittingNode(V, C)

from Evalable SplittingNode(V, C)

eval: (%, List SplittingNode(V, C), List SplittingNode(V, C)) -> % if SplittingNode(V, C) has Evalable SplittingNode(V, C)

from InnerEvalable(SplittingNode(V, C), SplittingNode(V, C))

eval: (%, SplittingNode(V, C), SplittingNode(V, C)) -> % if SplittingNode(V, C) has Evalable SplittingNode(V, C)

from InnerEvalable(SplittingNode(V, C), SplittingNode(V, C))

every?: (SplittingNode(V, C) -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean

from HomogeneousAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

extractSplittingLeaf: % -> Union(%, failed)

extractSplittingLeaf(a) returns the left most leaf (as a tree) whose status is false if any, else “failed” is returned.

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

leaf?: % -> Boolean

from RecursiveAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

leaves: % -> List SplittingNode(V, C)

from RecursiveAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

less?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

map!: (SplittingNode(V, C) -> SplittingNode(V, C), %) -> %

from HomogeneousAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

map: (SplittingNode(V, C) -> SplittingNode(V, C), %) -> %

from HomogeneousAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

max: % -> SplittingNode(V, C) if SplittingNode(V, C) has OrderedSet

from HomogeneousAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

max: ((SplittingNode(V, C), SplittingNode(V, C)) -> Boolean, %) -> SplittingNode(V, C)

from HomogeneousAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

member?: (SplittingNode(V, C), %) -> Boolean

from HomogeneousAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

members: % -> List SplittingNode(V, C)

from HomogeneousAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

min: % -> SplittingNode(V, C) if SplittingNode(V, C) has OrderedSet

from HomogeneousAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

more?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

node?: (%, %) -> Boolean

from RecursiveAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

nodeOf?: (SplittingNode(V, C), %) -> Boolean

nodeOf?(s, a) returns true iff some node of a is equal to s

nodes: % -> List %

from RecursiveAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

parts: % -> List SplittingNode(V, C)

from HomogeneousAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

remove!: (SplittingNode(V, C), %) -> %

remove!(s, a) replaces a by remove(s, a)

remove: (SplittingNode(V, C), %) -> %

remove(s, a) returns the splitting tree obtained from a by removing every sub-tree b such that value(b) and s have the same value, condition and status.

result: % -> List Record(val: V, tower: C)

result(a) where ls is the leaves list of a returns [[value(s), condition(s)]\$VT for s in ls] if the computations are terminated in a else an error is produced.

sample: %

from Aggregate

setchildren!: (%, List %) -> %

from RecursiveAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

setelt!: (%, value, SplittingNode(V, C)) -> SplittingNode(V, C)

from RecursiveAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

setvalue!: (%, SplittingNode(V, C)) -> SplittingNode(V, C)

from RecursiveAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

size?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

splitNodeOf!: (%, %, List SplittingNode(V, C)) -> %

splitNodeOf!(l, a, ls) returns a where the children list of l has been set to [[s]\$\% for s in ls | not nodeOf?(s, a)]. Thus, if l is not a node of a, this latter splitting tree is unchanged.

splitNodeOf!: (%, %, List SplittingNode(V, C), (C, C) -> Boolean) -> %

splitNodeOf!(l, a, ls, sub?) returns a where the children list of l has been set to [[s]\$\% for s in ls | not subNodeOf?(s, a, sub?)]. Thus, if l is not a node of a, this latter splitting tree is unchanged.

subNodeOf?: (SplittingNode(V, C), %, (C, C) -> Boolean) -> Boolean

subNodeOf?(s, a, sub?) returns true iff for some node n in a we have s = n or status(n) and subNode?(s, n, sub?).

updateStatus!: % -> %

updateStatus!(a) returns a where the status of the vertices are updated to satisfy the “termination condition”.

value: % -> SplittingNode(V, C)

from RecursiveAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)



CoercibleTo OutputForm

Evalable SplittingNode(V, C) if SplittingNode(V, C) has Evalable SplittingNode(V, C)


HomogeneousAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

InnerEvalable(SplittingNode(V, C), SplittingNode(V, C)) if SplittingNode(V, C) has Evalable SplittingNode(V, C)

RecursiveAggregate SplittingNode(V, C)

