PolynomialSetCategory(R, E, VarSet, P)ΒΆ

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A category for finite subsets of a polynomial ring. Such a set is only regarded as a set of polynomials and not identified to the ideal it generates. So two distinct sets may generate the same the ideal. Furthermore, for R being an integral domain, a set of polynomials may be viewed as a representation of the ideal it generates in the polynomial ring (R)^(-1) P, or the set of its zeros (described for instance by the radical of the previous ideal, or a split of the associated affine variety) and so on. So this category provides operations about those different notions.

#: % -> NonNegativeInteger

from Aggregate

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

any?: (P -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean

from HomogeneousAggregate P

coerce: % -> List P

from CoercibleTo List P

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

collect: (%, VarSet) -> %

collect(ps, v) returns the set consisting of the polynomials of ps with v as main variable.

collectUnder: (%, VarSet) -> %

collectUnder(ps, v) returns the set consisting of the polynomials of ps with main variable less than v.

collectUpper: (%, VarSet) -> %

collectUpper(ps, v) returns the set consisting of the polynomials of ps with main variable greater than v.

construct: List P -> %

from Collection P

convert: % -> InputForm

from ConvertibleTo InputForm

copy: % -> %

from Aggregate

count: (P -> Boolean, %) -> NonNegativeInteger

from HomogeneousAggregate P

count: (P, %) -> NonNegativeInteger

from HomogeneousAggregate P

empty?: % -> Boolean

from Aggregate

empty: () -> %

from Aggregate

eq?: (%, %) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

eval: (%, Equation P) -> % if P has Evalable P

from Evalable P

eval: (%, List Equation P) -> % if P has Evalable P

from Evalable P

eval: (%, List P, List P) -> % if P has Evalable P

from InnerEvalable(P, P)

eval: (%, P, P) -> % if P has Evalable P

from InnerEvalable(P, P)

every?: (P -> Boolean, %) -> Boolean

from HomogeneousAggregate P

find: (P -> Boolean, %) -> Union(P, failed)

from Collection P

headRemainder: (P, %) -> Record(num: P, den: R) if R has IntegralDomain

headRemainder(a, ps) returns [b, r] such that the leading monomial of b is reduced in the sense of Groebner bases w.r.t. ps and r*a - b lies in the ideal generated by ps.

iexactQuo: (R, R) -> R if R has IntegralDomain

iexactQuo(x, y) should be local but conditional

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

less?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

mainVariable?: (VarSet, %) -> Boolean

mainVariable?(v, ps) returns true iff v is the main variable of some polynomial in ps.

mainVariables: % -> List VarSet

mainVariables(ps) returns the decreasingly sorted list of the variables which are main variables of some polynomial in ps.

map!: (P -> P, %) -> % if % has shallowlyMutable

from HomogeneousAggregate P

map: (P -> P, %) -> %

from HomogeneousAggregate P

max: % -> P if P has OrderedSet

from HomogeneousAggregate P

max: ((P, P) -> Boolean, %) -> P

from HomogeneousAggregate P

member?: (P, %) -> Boolean

from HomogeneousAggregate P

members: % -> List P

from HomogeneousAggregate P

min: % -> P if P has OrderedSet

from HomogeneousAggregate P

more?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

mvar: % -> VarSet

mvar(ps) returns the main variable of the non constant polynomial with the greatest main variable, if any, else an error is returned.

parts: % -> List P

from HomogeneousAggregate P

reduce: ((P, P) -> P, %) -> P

from Collection P

reduce: ((P, P) -> P, %, P) -> P

from Collection P

reduce: ((P, P) -> P, %, P, P) -> P

from Collection P

remainder: (P, %) -> Record(rnum: R, polnum: P, den: R) if R has IntegralDomain

remainder(a, ps) returns [c, b, r] such that b is fully reduced in the sense of Groebner bases w.r.t. ps, r*a - c*b lies in the ideal generated by ps. Furthermore, if R is a gcd-domain, b is primitive.

remove: (P -> Boolean, %) -> %

from Collection P

remove: (P, %) -> %

from Collection P

removeDuplicates: % -> %

from Collection P

retract: List P -> %

from RetractableFrom List P

retractIfCan: List P -> Union(%, failed)

from RetractableFrom List P

rewriteIdealWithHeadRemainder: (List P, %) -> List P if R has IntegralDomain

rewriteIdealWithHeadRemainder(lp, cs) returns lr such that the leading monomial of every polynomial in lr is reduced in the sense of Groebner bases w.r.t. cs and (lp, cs) and (lr, cs) generate the same ideal in (R)^(-1) P.

rewriteIdealWithRemainder: (List P, %) -> List P if R has IntegralDomain

rewriteIdealWithRemainder(lp, cs) returns lr such that every polynomial in lr is fully reduced in the sense of Groebner bases w.r.t. cs and (lp, cs) and (lr, cs) generate the same ideal in (R)^(-1) P.

roughBase?: % -> Boolean if R has IntegralDomain

roughBase?(ps) returns true iff for every pair {p, q} of polynomials in ps their leading monomials are relatively prime.

roughEqualIdeals?: (%, %) -> Boolean if R has IntegralDomain

roughEqualIdeals?(ps1, ps2) returns true iff it can proved that ps1 and ps2 generate the same ideal in (R)^(-1) P without computing Groebner bases.

roughSubIdeal?: (%, %) -> Boolean if R has IntegralDomain

roughSubIdeal?(ps1, ps2) returns true iff it can proved that all polynomials in ps1 lie in the ideal generated by ps2 in (R)^(-1) P without computing Groebner bases.

roughUnitIdeal?: % -> Boolean if R has IntegralDomain

roughUnitIdeal?(ps) returns true iff ps contains some non null element lying in the base ring R.

sample: %

from Aggregate

select: (P -> Boolean, %) -> %

from Collection P

size?: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> Boolean

from Aggregate

sort: (%, VarSet) -> Record(under: %, floor: %, upper: %)

sort(v, ps) returns us, vs, ws such that us is collectUnder(ps, v), vs is collect(ps, v) and ws is collectUpper(ps, v).

triangular?: % -> Boolean if R has IntegralDomain

triangular?(ps) returns true iff ps is a triangular set, i.e. two distinct polynomials have distinct main variables and no constant lies in ps.

trivialIdeal?: % -> Boolean

trivialIdeal?(ps) returns true iff ps does not contain non-zero elements.

variables: % -> List VarSet

variables(ps) returns the decreasingly sorted list of the variables which are variables of some polynomial in ps.



CoercibleTo List P

CoercibleTo OutputForm

Collection P

ConvertibleTo InputForm

Evalable P if P has Evalable P


HomogeneousAggregate P

InnerEvalable(P, P) if P has Evalable P

RetractableFrom List P
