
plot3d.spad line 1 [edit on github]

Plot3D supports parametric plots defined over a real number system. A real number system is a model for the real numbers and as such may be an approximation. For example, floating point numbers and infinite continued fractions are real number systems. The facilities at this point are limited to 3-dimensional parametric plots.

adaptive3D?: () -> Boolean

adaptive3D?() determines whether plotting be done adaptively.

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

debug3D: Boolean -> Boolean

debug3D(true) turns debug mode on; debug3D(false) turns debug mode off.

listBranches: % -> List List Point DoubleFloat

from PlottableSpaceCurveCategory

maxPoints3D: () -> Integer

maxPoints3D() returns the maximum number of points in a plot.

minPoints3D: () -> Integer

minPoints3D() returns the minimum number of points in a plot.

numFunEvals3D: () -> Integer

numFunEvals3D() returns the number of points computed.

plot: (%, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

plot(x, r) undocumented

plot: (DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

plot(f, g, h, a..b) plots x = f(t), y = g(t), z = h(t) as t ranges over [a, b].

plot: (DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

plot(f1, f2, f3, f4, x, y, z, w) undocumented

pointPlot: (DoubleFloat -> Point DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

pointPlot(f, g, h, a..b) plots x = f(t), y = g(t), z = h(t) as t ranges over [a, b].

pointPlot: (DoubleFloat -> Point DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

pointPlot(f, x, y, z, w) undocumented

refine: % -> %

refine(x) undocumented

refine: (%, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

refine(x, r) undocumented

screenResolution3D: () -> Integer

screenResolution3D() returns the screen resolution for a 3d graph.

setAdaptive3D: Boolean -> Boolean

setAdaptive3D(true) turns adaptive plotting on; setAdaptive3D(false) turns adaptive plotting off.

setMaxPoints3D: Integer -> Integer

setMaxPoints3D(i) sets the maximum number of points in a plot to i.

setMinPoints3D: Integer -> Integer

setMinPoints3D(i) sets the minimum number of points in a plot to i.

setScreenResolution3D: Integer -> Integer

setScreenResolution3D(i) sets the screen resolution for a 3d graph to i.

tRange: % -> Segment DoubleFloat

tRange(p) returns the range of the parameter in a parametric plot p.

tValues: % -> List List DoubleFloat

tValues(p) returns a list of lists of the values of the parameter for which a point is computed, one list for each curve in the plot p.

xRange: % -> Segment DoubleFloat

from PlottableSpaceCurveCategory

yRange: % -> Segment DoubleFloat

from PlottableSpaceCurveCategory

zoom: (%, Segment DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

zoom(x, r, s, t) undocumented

zRange: % -> Segment DoubleFloat

from PlottableSpaceCurveCategory

CoercibleTo OutputForm
