InnerModularGcd(R, BP, pMod, nextMod)ΒΆ
modgcd.spad line 1 [edit on github]
pMod: R
nextMod: (R, NonNegativeInteger) -> R
This file contains the functions for modular gcd
algorithm for univariate polynomials with coefficients in a non-trivial euclidean domain (i.e. not a field). The package parametrised by the coefficient domain, the polynomial domain, a prime, and a function for choosing the next prime
- modularGcdPrimitive: List BP -> BP
computes thegcd
of the list of primitive polynomialslistf
by modular methods.
- reduction: (BP, R) -> BP
reduction(f, p)
reduces the coefficients of the polynomialf
modulo the primep