fnla.spad line 70 [edit on github]
Author : Larry Lambe Date Created : August 1988 Related Constructors: OrderedSetInts, Commutator, FreeNilpotentLie AMS Classification: Primary 17B05, 17B30; Secondary 17A50 Keywords: free Lie algebra, Hall basis, basic commutators Description : Generate a basis for the free Lie algebra on n
generators over a ring R
with identity up to basic commutators of length c
using the algorithm of P
. Hall as given in Serre's
book Lie Groups --
Lie Algebras
- basis: (NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger) -> Vector List Integer
basis(numberOfGens, maximalWeight)
generates a vector of elements of the form [left, weight, right] which represents aP
. Hall basis element for the free lie algebra onnumberOfGens
generators. We only generate those basis elements of weight less than or equal to maximalWeight
- inHallBasis?: (Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) -> Boolean
inHallBasis?(numberOfGens, leftCandidate, rightCandidate, left)
tests to see if a new element should be added to theP
. Hall basis being constructed. The list[leftCandidate, wt, rightCandidate]
is included in the basis if in the unique factorization ofrightCandidate
, we have left factor leftOfRight, and leftOfRight<=