GcdBasis RΒΆ

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Gcd basis provides functions to find structure of multiplicative group (and semigroup) generated by elements of Gcd domain.

gcdBasis: Vector R -> Vector R

gcdBasis(v) returns basis part of gcdDecomposition(v).

gcdDecomposition: Vector Fraction R -> Record(basis: Vector R, transform: Matrix Integer)

gcdDecomposition(v) returns [b, t] such that elements of b are relatively prime and that v(i) = product(b(j)^(t(j, i)), j=1..n)

gcdDecomposition: Vector R -> Record(basis: Vector R, transform: Matrix Integer)

gcdDecomposition(v) returns [b, t] such that elements of b are relatively prime and that v(i) = product(b(j)^(t(j, i)), j=1..n)