alg_top.spad line 205 [edit on github]
This is a category to represent different types of facet, such as, (1) A single simplex (2) A single cubical simplex (3) The product of two facets
- <=: (%, %) -> Boolean
from PartialOrder
- <: (%, %) -> Boolean
from PartialOrder
- >=: (%, %) -> Boolean
from PartialOrder
- >: (%, %) -> Boolean
from PartialOrder
- coerce: % -> OutputForm
from CoercibleTo OutputForm
- empty?: % -> Boolean
is empty if it contains no vertices or if multiplier is zero
- getMult: % -> Integer
returns multiplier of face
- latex: % -> String
from SetCategory
- max: (%, %) -> %
from OrderedSet
- min: (%, %) -> %
from OrderedSet
- order: % -> NonNegativeInteger
number of vertices
- smaller?: (%, %) -> Boolean
from Comparable