AlgebraicMultFact(OV, E, P)ΒΆ

multfact.spad line 488 [edit on github]

This package factors multivariate polynomials over the domain of AlgebraicNumber by allowing the user to specify a list of algebraic numbers generating the particular extension to factor over.

factor: (P, List AlgebraicNumber) -> Factored P

factor(p, lan) factors the polynomial p over the extension generated by the algebraic numbers given by the list lan.

factor: (SparseUnivariatePolynomial P, List AlgebraicNumber) -> Factored SparseUnivariatePolynomial P

factor(p, lan) factors the polynomial p over the extension generated by the algebraic numbers given by the list lan. p is presented as a univariate polynomial with multivariate coefficients.