
clip.spad line 1 [edit on github]

The purpose of this package is to provide reasonable plots of functions with singularities.

clip: (Plot, Fraction Integer, Fraction Integer) -> Record(brans: List List Point DoubleFloat, xValues: Segment DoubleFloat, yValues: Segment DoubleFloat)

clip(p, frac, sc) performs two-dimensional clipping on a plot, p, from the domain Plot for the graph of one variable y = f(x); the fraction parameter is specified by frac and the scale parameter is specified by sc for use in the clip function.

clip: List List Point DoubleFloat -> Record(brans: List List Point DoubleFloat, xValues: Segment DoubleFloat, yValues: Segment DoubleFloat)

clip(ll) performs two-dimensional clipping on a list of lists of points, ll; the default parameters 1/2 for the fraction and 5/1 for the scale are used in the pspadfun{iClipParametric} subroutine, which is called by this function.

clip: List Point DoubleFloat -> Record(brans: List List Point DoubleFloat, xValues: Segment DoubleFloat, yValues: Segment DoubleFloat)

clip(l) performs two-dimensional clipping on a curve l, which is a list of points; the default parameters 1/2 for the fraction and 5/1 for the scale are used in the pspadfun{iClipParametric} subroutine, which is called by this function.

clip: Plot -> Record(brans: List List Point DoubleFloat, xValues: Segment DoubleFloat, yValues: Segment DoubleFloat)

clip(p) performs two-dimensional clipping on a plot, p, from the domain Plot for the graph of one variable, y = f(x); the default parameters 1/4 for the fraction and 5/1 for the scale are used in the clip function.

clipParametric: (Plot, Fraction Integer, Fraction Integer) -> Record(brans: List List Point DoubleFloat, xValues: Segment DoubleFloat, yValues: Segment DoubleFloat)

clipParametric(p, frac, sc) performs two-dimensional clipping on a plot, p, from the domain Plot for the parametric curve x = f(t), y = g(t); the fraction parameter is specified by frac and the scale parameter is specified by sc for use in the pspadfun{iClipParametric} subroutine, which is called by this function.

clipParametric: Plot -> Record(brans: List List Point DoubleFloat, xValues: Segment DoubleFloat, yValues: Segment DoubleFloat)

clipParametric(p) performs two-dimensional clipping on a plot, p, from the domain Plot for the parametric curve x = f(t), y = g(t); the default parameters 1/2 for the fraction and 5/1 for the scale are used in the pspadfun{iClipParametric} subroutine, which is called by this function.

clipWithRanges: (List List Point DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat) -> Record(brans: List List Point DoubleFloat, xValues: Segment DoubleFloat, yValues: Segment DoubleFloat)

clipWithRanges(pointLists, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax) performs clipping on a list of lists of points, pointLists. Clipping is done within the specified ranges of xMin, xMax and yMin, yMax. This function is used internally by the pspadfun{iClipParametric} subroutine in this package.