
plot.spad line 1 [edit on github]

The Plot domain supports plotting of functions defined over a real number system. A real number system is a model for the real numbers and as such may be an approximation. For example floating point numbers and infinite continued fractions. The facilities at this point are limited to 2-dimensional plots or either a single function or a parametric function.

adaptive?: () -> Boolean

adaptive?() determines whether plotting be done adaptively

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

debug: Boolean -> Boolean

debug(true) turns debug mode on debug(false) turns debug mode off

listBranches: % -> List List Point DoubleFloat

from PlottablePlaneCurveCategory

maxPoints: () -> Integer

maxPoints() returns the maximum number of points in a plot

minPoints: () -> Integer

minPoints() returns the minimum number of points in a plot

numFunEvals: () -> Integer

numFunEvals() returns the number of points computed

parametric?: % -> Boolean

parametric? determines whether it is a parametric plot?

plot: (%, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

plot(x, r) undocumented

plot: (DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

plot(f, g, a..b) plots the parametric curve x = f(t), y = g(t) as t ranges over the interval [a, b].

plot: (DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat, DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

plot(f, g, a..b, c..d, e..f) plots the parametric curve x = f(t), y = g(t) as t ranges over the interval [a, b]; x-range of [c, d] and y-range of [e, f] are noted in Plot object.

plot: (DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

plot(f, a..b) plots the function f(x) on the interval [a, b].

plot: (DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

plot(f, a..b, c..d) plots the function f(x) on the interval [a, b]; y-range of [c, d] is noted in Plot object.

plot: (List(DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat), Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

plot([f1, ..., fm], a..b) plots the functions y = f1(x), …, y = fm(x) on the interval a..b.

plot: (List(DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat), Segment DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

plot([f1, ..., fm], a..b, c..d) plots the functions y = f1(x), …, y = fm(x) on the interval a..b; y-range of [c, d] is noted in Plot object.

plotPolar: (DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat) -> %

plotPolar(f) plots the polar curve r = f(theta) as theta ranges over the interval [0, 2*\%pi]; this is the same as the parametric curve x = f(t) * cos(t), y = f(t) * sin(t).

plotPolar: (DoubleFloat -> DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

plotPolar(f, a..b) plots the polar curve r = f(theta) as theta ranges over the interval [a, b]; this is the same as the parametric curve x = f(t) * cos(t), y = f(t) * sin(t).

pointPlot: (DoubleFloat -> Point DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

pointPlot(t +-> (f(t), g(t)), a..b) plots the parametric curve x = f(t), y = g(t) as t ranges over the interval [a, b].

pointPlot: (DoubleFloat -> Point DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

pointPlot(t +-> (f(t), g(t)), a..b, c..d, e..f) plots the parametric curve x = f(t), y = g(t) as t ranges over the interval [a, b]; x-range of [c, d] and y-range of [e, f] are noted in Plot object.

refine: % -> %

refine(p) performs a refinement on the plot p

refine: (%, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

refine(x, r) undocumented

screenResolution: () -> Integer

screenResolution() returns the screen resolution

setAdaptive: Boolean -> Boolean

setAdaptive(true) turns adaptive plotting on setAdaptive(false) turns adaptive plotting off

setMaxPoints: Integer -> Integer

setMaxPoints(i) sets the maximum number of points in a plot to i

setMinPoints: Integer -> Integer

setMinPoints(i) sets the minimum number of points in a plot to i

setScreenResolution: Integer -> Integer

setScreenResolution(i) sets the screen resolution to i

tRange: % -> Segment DoubleFloat

tRange(p) returns the range of the parameter in a parametric plot p

xRange: % -> Segment DoubleFloat

from PlottablePlaneCurveCategory

yRange: % -> Segment DoubleFloat

from PlottablePlaneCurveCategory

zoom: (%, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

zoom(x, r) undocumented

zoom: (%, Segment DoubleFloat, Segment DoubleFloat) -> %

zoom(x, r, s) undocumented

CoercibleTo OutputForm
