PartialTranscendentalFunctions K

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This is the description of any package which provides partial functions on a domain belonging to TranscendentalFunctionCategory.

acoshIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

acoshIfCan(z) returns acosh(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

acosIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

acosIfCan(z) returns acos(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

acothIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

acothIfCan(z) returns acoth(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

acotIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

acotIfCan(z) returns acot(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

acschIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

acschIfCan(z) returns acsch(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

acscIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

acscIfCan(z) returns acsc(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

asechIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

asechIfCan(z) returns asech(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

asecIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

asecIfCan(z) returns asec(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

asinhIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

asinhIfCan(z) returns asinh(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

asinIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

asinIfCan(z) returns asin(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

atanhIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

atanhIfCan(z) returns atanh(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

atanIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

atanIfCan(z) returns atan(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

coshIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

coshIfCan(z) returns cosh(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

cosIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

cosIfCan(z) returns cos(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

cothIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

cothIfCan(z) returns coth(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

cotIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

cotIfCan(z) returns cot(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

cschIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

cschIfCan(z) returns csch(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

cscIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

cscIfCan(z) returns csc(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

expIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

expIfCan(z) returns exp(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

logIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

logIfCan(z) returns log(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

nthRootIfCan: (K, NonNegativeInteger) -> Union(K, failed)

nthRootIfCan(z, n) returns the nth root of z if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

sechIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

sechIfCan(z) returns sech(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

secIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

secIfCan(z) returns sec(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

sinhIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

sinhIfCan(z) returns sinh(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

sinIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

sinIfCan(z) returns sin(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

tanhIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

tanhIfCan(z) returns tanh(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.

tanIfCan: K -> Union(K, failed)

tanIfCan(z) returns tan(z) if possible, and “failed” otherwise.