PadeApproximants(R, PS, UP)

pade.spad line 48 [edit on github]

This package computes reliable Pad&ea. approximants using a generalized Viskovatov continued fraction algorithm. Authors: Burge, Hassner & Watt. Date Created: April 1987 Keywords: Pade, series Examples: References: “Pade Approximants, Part I: Basic Theory”, Baker & Graves-Morris.

pade: (NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger, PS, PS) -> Union(Fraction UP, failed)

pade(nd, dd, ns, ds) computes the approximant as a quotient of polynomials (if it exists) for arguments nd (numerator degree of approximant), dd (denominator degree of approximant), ns (numerator series of function), and ds (denominator series of function).

padecf: (NonNegativeInteger, NonNegativeInteger, PS, PS) -> Union(ContinuedFraction UP, failed)

padecf(nd, dd, ns, ds) computes the approximant as a continued fraction of polynomials (if it exists) for arguments nd (numerator degree of approximant), dd (denominator degree of approximant), ns (numerator series of function), and ds (denominator series of function).