
op.spad line 1 [edit on github]

A basic operator is an object that can be applied to a list of arguments from a set, the result being a kernel over that set.

<=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from PartialOrder

<: (%, %) -> Boolean

from PartialOrder

=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

>=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from PartialOrder

>: (%, %) -> Boolean

from PartialOrder

~=: (%, %) -> Boolean

from BasicType

arity: % -> Union(NonNegativeInteger, failed)

arity(op) returns n if op is n-ary, and “failed” if op has arbitrary arity.

assert: (%, Symbol) -> %

assert(op, s) attaches property s to op. Argument op is modified “in place”, i.e. no copy is made.

coerce: % -> OutputForm

from CoercibleTo OutputForm

comparison: (%, (%, %) -> Boolean) -> %

comparison(op, foo?) attaches foo? as the “%less?” property to op. If op1 and op2 have the same name, and one of them has a “%less?” property f, then f(op1, op2) is called to decide whether op1 < op2.

copy: % -> %

copy(op) returns a copy of op.

deleteProperty!: (%, Symbol) -> %

deleteProperty!(op, s) unattaches property s from op. Argument op is modified “in place”, i.e. no copy is made.

display: % -> Union(List OutputForm -> OutputForm, failed)

display(op) returns the “%display” property of op if it has one attached, and “failed” otherwise.

display: (%, List OutputForm -> OutputForm) -> %

display(op, foo) attaches foo as the “%display” property of op. If op has a “%display” property f, then op(a1,...,an) gets converted to OutputForm as f(a1, ..., an).

display: (%, OutputForm -> OutputForm) -> %

display(op, foo) attaches foo as the “%display” property of op. If op has a “%display” property f, then op(a) gets converted to OutputForm as f(a). Argument op must be unary.

equality: (%, (%, %) -> Boolean) -> %

equality(op, foo?) attaches foo? as the “%equal?” property to op. If op1 and op2 have the same name, and one of them has an “%equal?” property f, then f(op1, op2) is called to decide whether op1 and op2 should be considered equal.

has?: (%, Symbol) -> Boolean

has?(op, s) tests if property s is attached to op.

input: % -> Union(List InputForm -> InputForm, failed)

input(op) returns the “%input” property of op if it has one attached, “failed” otherwise.

input: (%, List InputForm -> InputForm) -> %

input(op, foo) attaches foo as the “%input” property of op. If op has a “%input” property f, then op(a1,...,an) gets converted to InputForm as f(a1, ..., an).

is?: (%, Symbol) -> Boolean

is?(op, s) tests if the name of op is s.

latex: % -> String

from SetCategory

max: (%, %) -> %

from OrderedSet

min: (%, %) -> %

from OrderedSet

name: % -> Symbol

name(op) returns the name of op.

nary?: % -> Boolean

nary?(op) tests if op has arbitrary arity.

nullary?: % -> Boolean

nullary?(op) tests if op is nullary.

operator: (Symbol, NonNegativeInteger) -> %

operator(f, n) makes f into an n-ary operator.

operator: Symbol -> %

operator(f) makes f into an operator with arbitrary arity.

properties: % -> AssociationList(Symbol, None)

properties(op) returns the list of all the properties currently attached to op.

property: (%, Symbol) -> Union(None, failed)

property(op, s) returns the value of property s if it is attached to op, and “failed” otherwise.

setProperties: (%, AssociationList(Symbol, None)) -> %

setProperties(op, l) sets the property list of op to l. Argument op is modified “in place”, i.e. no copy is made.

setProperty: (%, Symbol, None) -> %

setProperty(op, s, v) attaches property s to op, and sets its value to v. Argument op is modified “in place”, i.e. no copy is made.

smaller?: (%, %) -> Boolean

from Comparable

unary?: % -> Boolean

unary?(op) tests if op is unary.

weight: % -> NonNegativeInteger

weight(op) returns the weight attached to op.

weight: (%, NonNegativeInteger) -> %

weight(op, n) attaches the weight n to op.


CoercibleTo OutputForm



