UserDefinedPartialOrdering SΒΆ

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Provides functions to force a partial ordering on any set.

getOrder: () -> Record(low: List S, high: List S)

getOrder() returns [[b1, ..., bm], [a1, ..., an]] such that the partial ordering on S was given by setOrder([b1, ..., bm], [a1, ..., an]).

largest: (List S, (S, S) -> Boolean) -> S

largest(l, fn) returns the largest element of l where the partial ordering induced by setOrder is completed into a total one by fn.

largest: List S -> S if S has OrderedSet

largest l returns the largest element of l where the partial ordering induced by setOrder is completed into a total one by the ordering on S.

less?: (S, S) -> Union(Boolean, failed)

less?(a, b) compares a and b in the partial ordering induced by setOrder.

less?: (S, S, (S, S) -> Boolean) -> Boolean

less?(a, b, fn) compares a and b in the partial ordering induced by setOrder, and returns fn(a, b) if a and b are not comparable in that ordering.

more?: (S, S) -> Boolean if S has OrderedSet

more?(a, b) compares a and b in the partial ordering induced by setOrder, and uses the ordering on S if a and b are not comparable in the partial ordering.

setOrder: (List S, List S) -> Void

setOrder([b1, ..., bm], [a1, ..., an]) defines a partial ordering on S given by: (1) b1 < b2 < ... < bm < a1 < a2 < ... < an. (2) bj < c < ai for c not among the ai's and bj's. (3) undefined on (c, d) if neither is among the ai's, bj's.

setOrder: List S -> Void

setOrder([a1, ..., an]) defines a partial ordering on S given by: (1) a1 < a2 < ... < an. (2) b < ai for i = 1..n and b not among the ai's. (3) undefined on (b, c) if neither is among the ai's.

userOrdered?: () -> Boolean

userOrdered?() tests if the partial ordering induced by setOrder is not empty.