
unittest.spad line 613 [edit on github]

Unittest is a package that provides functions for regression testing. Note that it calls the interpreter, thus, all functions require that their arguments be passed as strings.

testComplexEquals: (String, String) -> Void

testComplexEquals(ex1, ex2) states that ex1 and ex2 should be approximately equal as complex numbers, taking into acount testAbsolutePrecision and testRelativePrecision.

testEquals: (String, String) -> Void

testEquals(ex1, ex2) states that ex1 and ex2 should be equal. To sidestep the possibility that the equality function of the domain R performs some simplifications, we convert ex1 and ex2 to InputForm, if possible.

testLibraryError: String -> Void

testLibraryError ex states that ex should throw an error. Such a test will never count as a fatal error.

testNotEquals: (String, String) -> Void

testNotEquals(ex1, ex2) states that ex1 and ex2 should be different.

testRealEquals: (String, String) -> Void

testRealEquals(ex1, ex2) states that ex1 and ex2 should be approximately equal as real numbers, taking into acount testAbsolutePrecision and testRelativePrecision.

testTrue: String -> Void

testTrue ex states that ex should be true.

xftestComplexEquals: (String, String) -> Void

like testComplexEquals, but expects failure.

xftestEquals: (String, String) -> Void

like testEquals, but expects failure.

xftestLibraryError: String -> Void

like testLibraryError, but expects failure.

xftestNotEquals: (String, String) -> Void

like testNotEquals, but expects failure.

xftestRealEquals: (String, String) -> Void

like testRealEquals, but expects failure.

xftestTrue: String -> Void

like testTrue, but expects failure.