ReductionOfOrder(F, L)ΒΆ

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ReductionOfOrder provides functions for reducing the order of linear ordinary differential equations once some solutions are known.

ReduceOrder: (L, F) -> L

ReduceOrder(op, s) returns op1 such that for any solution z of op1 z = 0, y = s \int z is a solution of op y = 0. s must satisfy op s = 0.

ReduceOrder: (L, List F) -> Record(eq: L, op: List F)

ReduceOrder(op, [f1, ..., fk]) returns [op1, [g1, ..., gk]] such that for any solution z of op1 z = 0, y = gk \int(g_{k-1} \int(... \int(g1 \int z)...)) is a solution of op y = 0. Each fi must satisfy op fi = 0.